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The Future of Gaming is on The Web

Video games can be played virtually everywhere if you have the right device. Consoles, PCs, mobile phones, tablets, XR headsets, planes, automobiles and smart TVs are just some of the platforms that billions of consumers play games on every day.

Train Station 2 running in a browser on VR

In most cases, players choose to play specific games on a preferred platform. This is partly because certain genres of games tend to have a superior playability factor on a particular platform based a device’s performance capabilities, display format, and input mechanisms. 

But an even more important factor to limiting gameplay to one platform is the lack of cross-platform compatibility, particularly for most mobile games. If your favorite game happens to be a mobile title, odds are you won’t be able to play that game anywhere other than on your phone.

At Pley we’ve spent years building a platform that opens up cross-platform play by making it easy for developers and studios to port, distribute and monetize their mobile titles on desktop web. It has taken some time for the industry to see web as a viable gaming platform, but with technologies like WebGL and the emerging WebGPU standard, web gaming will continue to inch closer to a full native gaming experience.

Airport City on mobile

All this said, the biggest value of the web is its scalability and ubiquity. While Pley has focused largely on desktop browser gaming to date, there is no doubt that gaming will proliferate to many other browser-enabled platforms over time.

Dozens of device platforms are already capable of running a web browser. Once the challenge of cross-platform web gaming is solved, and unified authentication is applied to player accounts, users will be able to play games anywhere they like, at any time during their day. 

In addition to the availability of any game on any device, the web has another major benefit over existing platforms that are traditionally reliant on a single distribution channel. Unlike mobile app stores for instance, web games can be published and distributed on any web page on the internet.

Whether it’s a branded game or publisher destination, or a game aggregation site, the potential for discovery is far superior to app stores which contain 500,000 games in one unmanageable sea of titles. On the web, game owners have far more flexibility to distribute their games through channels that are more targeted to their core demographics, while also having the freedom to retarget their users.

Pley believes the future of gaming is on the web – the most ubiquitous software platform on earth.

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